股市 | Apply Margin account 的过程/点滴
呵呵,算是申请到了Margin account,可是今天还没有启动,需要一天时间activate trading limit。
1) Maybank的作风是鼓励投资/投机者做短期买卖,最好常常操盘,让他们赚多点水钱。所以像我这小虾,它只能给我利息5.4% (我的目标是4.85%),最后拒绝了。
2)Hong Leong bank比较看重公司基本面,对Dutch Lady, Digi,Matrix这种组合评价蛮高,所以cap price也高。看了我的组合愿意帮我争取4.85%。
The following items are required for application
1. Completed Share Margin Financing Application Form – See attached application form, fill in page 1, signature required on page 4
2. Photocopy I/C front and back
3. Recent Income Evidence – Recent Borang B / BE / 3 Month Payslips, Tenancy Agreement etc
4. Recent 3 Month Bank statements
5. Recent CDS and/or Margin Statement
6. Consent for Disclosure of Credit Information – See attached form, signature required on page 2 (latest Bank Negara requirement)
4) 以下是收费及一些Q&A
1. Target to apply RM100,000 credit limit and the initial fee is RM588.90 and entitled for refund if margin interest+brokerage fee >=RM1,000 within 12 months?
Yes. RM 588.90 for SMF account. And Yes for the rebate criteria. I think I forgot to mention that you also need to open a cash upfront account with HLeBroking. That will cost additional RM 10.60 (RM 10 + 6% GST)
2. the brokerage fee is 0.38% or minRM12 +GST?
Yes, for below RM 100k trade
3. No roll over fee?
No roll over fee, no commitment fee.
4. Dividend process fee RM2.50+GST if Div <RM10 and RM5+GST if Div >RM10
5. Interest rate of 4.85% (Base Rate +0.86%) will be remained as it is even after June15 (HL bank plan to revise the interest rate) ? Will the interest change if the Base rate which announced by Bank Negara changed(I guess)?
The bank reserved the right to change base rate at its own discretion. The way banks compute its base rate is based on its effective cost of funds, basically it is about the average cost of our funding.
5)大约10天后,offer letter出来了,就约见面讲解和签名,然后付RM599.60现金(另外也申请HL Direct account,据说如果要买IPO等等比较容易)。同时间,我也去HL银行以RM20开了Hong Leong Connect (Basic saving account)。
6)再多一个星期,CDS 和Margin account 才申请好,Agent email我关于CDS的info,我再填上Maybank的Share withdrawal request form 把我一些股票转去HL margin account。需要3天 (星期1 send form给MB,星期4才看到股票正式出现在HL)
7)股票一出现在HL,Agent就帮忙开启Trading limit,需要一天时间 (星期4开启,星期5应该可以用了)
我是4月30日把所有的文件email过去,如果明天正式可以用的话, 整个过程花时一个月左右!
1) Maybank的作风是鼓励投资/投机者做短期买卖,最好常常操盘,让他们赚多点水钱。所以像我这小虾,它只能给我利息5.4% (我的目标是4.85%),最后拒绝了。
2)Hong Leong bank比较看重公司基本面,对Dutch Lady, Digi,Matrix这种组合评价蛮高,所以cap price也高。看了我的组合愿意帮我争取4.85%。
The following items are required for application
1. Completed Share Margin Financing Application Form – See attached application form, fill in page 1, signature required on page 4
2. Photocopy I/C front and back
3. Recent Income Evidence – Recent Borang B / BE / 3 Month Payslips, Tenancy Agreement etc
4. Recent 3 Month Bank statements
5. Recent CDS and/or Margin Statement
6. Consent for Disclosure of Credit Information – See attached form, signature required on page 2 (latest Bank Negara requirement)
4) 以下是收费及一些Q&A
1. Target to apply RM100,000 credit limit and the initial fee is RM588.90 and entitled for refund if margin interest+brokerage fee >=RM1,000 within 12 months?
Yes. RM 588.90 for SMF account. And Yes for the rebate criteria. I think I forgot to mention that you also need to open a cash upfront account with HLeBroking. That will cost additional RM 10.60 (RM 10 + 6% GST)
2. the brokerage fee is 0.38% or minRM12 +GST?
Yes, for below RM 100k trade
3. No roll over fee?
No roll over fee, no commitment fee.
4. Dividend process fee RM2.50+GST if Div <RM10 and RM5+GST if Div >RM10
5. Interest rate of 4.85% (Base Rate +0.86%) will be remained as it is even after June15 (HL bank plan to revise the interest rate) ? Will the interest change if the Base rate which announced by Bank Negara changed(I guess)?
The bank reserved the right to change base rate at its own discretion. The way banks compute its base rate is based on its effective cost of funds, basically it is about the average cost of our funding.
5)大约10天后,offer letter出来了,就约见面讲解和签名,然后付RM599.60现金(另外也申请HL Direct account,据说如果要买IPO等等比较容易)。同时间,我也去HL银行以RM20开了Hong Leong Connect (Basic saving account)。
6)再多一个星期,CDS 和Margin account 才申请好,Agent email我关于CDS的info,我再填上Maybank的Share withdrawal request form 把我一些股票转去HL margin account。需要3天 (星期1 send form给MB,星期4才看到股票正式出现在HL)
7)股票一出现在HL,Agent就帮忙开启Trading limit,需要一天时间 (星期4开启,星期5应该可以用了)
我是4月30日把所有的文件email过去,如果明天正式可以用的话, 整个过程花时一个月左右!
股市 | Apply Margin account 的过程/点滴
Reviewed by Angelpoiwoon

什么是margin account? 和平时的trading account 有什么不同?
我也是给了相当多的stamp duty fee, wahaha
删除Margin是合法的大耳窿??? 那要少钱都借给我? 利息4.85% 能赚回吗?
回复删除当然看你本钱/股票组合有多少,请参考uncle jim 的 http://klse.i3investor.com/blogs/kianweiaritcles/52815.jsp
删除Ps: Uncle Jim, 奇怪找不到你的原帖啦。。。
恭喜恭喜,我没有pledge股票进去,看来Stamp duty是一定要给它的了XD
回复删除比如说,我只用了10k,利息就是10k x 4.85% /12 = RM 404.17 per month。 对吗?
应该是10k*4.85%/365*30 =RM39.86 per month
请问用share margin买了股票,之后不想欠margin loan也不想卖掉股票,可以用现金还share margin吗?