股票新手 | Direct Account Holder attend AGM,请无视 Form of Proxy
之前文章-股票新手 | Form of Proxy (AGM) 提到要出席AGM,必须让Remiser 知道,再处理Form of Proxy,现在再延伸说明一下。
如果你是Direct Account ,而你想出席AGM的话,基本上你什么都不用做,只要当天带IC出席就好了 (致电给Share Registrar确认了)
如果你是Direct Account,而你想带伴去拿Door Gift,基本上你是做不到的,看以下Point16:If you wish to attend the meeting yourself, pls do not submit any Form of Proxy for the meeting that you wish to attend. You will not be allowed to attend the meeting together with a proxy appointed by you.
如果你是Direct Account,而你去不到,你想找人代你去,你需要填Form of Proxy,贴上邮票寄去Share registrar登记。
所以,Direct account 只能是你去或你的proxy去,是不能一起前去的!(Ps:第一天&William Ng,谢了)
如果你填了Form of proxy,登记了,后来发现你想自己去,那么当天你就必须去Help Desk取消你的proxy出席AGM的资格,参考以下的Point 17。
如果你是Nominee Account,你要出席AGM,你必须和你的Remiser说,你的Remiser会帮你处理,基本上是你的Remiser帮你填Form of proxy,因为Nominee account,你的名字是在银行之下,你成为银行的proxy,前往AGM。
如果你是Nominee Account,你要带同伴出席AGM,你必须和你的Remiser说加多一个名字,你的Remiser会帮你处理,基本上是你的Remiser帮你填Form of proxy,加多一个名字,你和你的同伴成为银行的proxy前去。
如果你是Nominee Account,而你去不到AGM,你想找人代你去,你必须和你的Remiser说,你的Remiser会帮你处理,基本上是你的Remiser帮你填Form of proxy,让你的代替者成为Proxy前去。
以下是Direct account shareholder收到的Form of Proxy,如果你想自己前往的话,那就不用理会它了。。。
希望这篇博文够清楚吧 :)
股票新手 | Direct Account Holder attend AGM,请无视 Form of Proxy
Reviewed by Angelpoiwoon

回复删除如果你的是Direct account,应该是不能。我是根据以上Digi 文件看的。不知道Dutch lady的文件有没有写明,你可以看看。。 我的Dutch lady 是nominee的
删除In reference to the Notice of AGM at Note 1, it states that “A Member entitled to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting of the Company is entitled to appoint a proxy/proxies to attend and vote instead of him.”
By submitting a Proxy Form, the Member (being the registered shareholder whose name appears in the Records of Depositors as at 5.00p.m. on 20 April 2016), thereby appoints another person to attend the AGM instead of him. In other words, a Member cannot proxy only half and attend the proceeding himself as well. If the Member himself attends, his proxy will not be able to attend.
删除不好意思, 如果同时有两个direcct Acc, under 不同Investment Bank, 同一个名字, 可以一个安排Proxy, 一个自己出席吗?
回复删除可以 :D
删除Thank you for sharing!
删除那我想请问一下,我的acc是MELAKA SECURITIES开的,这个属于什么acc?我有问过我的remiser,他说什么都不是哦,既不是nominee也不是direct
回复删除不可能。。。一定是其中一个哦。。你的股息是去你的saving account?还是投资Account?
删除股息是直接进我的saving account,也就是我HLBANK里面
删除怎么说呢?如果我的是direct account,那么我为什么没得到信封类似出席agm之类的
删除那我想请问一下,我的acc是MELAKA SECURITIES开的,这个属于什么acc?我有问过我的remiser,他说什么都不是哦,既不是nominee也不是direct