旅游 | Austin Heights Water & Adventure Park 和丽园水上乐园+冒险乐园~ 柔佛之旅完结篇
继上一篇的Austin Heights Golf & Hotel Resort 和丽园高尔夫球度假村酒店 之旅后,今天就要分享第三部曲完结篇 :D
没想到发展商Austin Heights 和丽园以Fun Village为主题,旗下有5个主要的观光地:
• Adventure Park (冒险乐园) – 是青少年最爱的攀木,架空索道(flying fox)等等,拥有51种障碍,甚至需要像泰山那样跳跃来抓住绳子。它就座落在水上乐园的隔壁。
• Water Park (水上乐园) – 我蛮欣赏的简单但却好玩的水上乐园!包括了人造沙滩,海浪泳池,刺激的滑板溜梯等等。
• Sports & Leisure Park (运动休闲乐园)–包括Drift Kart(飘逸车子), Jump Street Indoor Trampoline Centre (跳跳场)and Ice Skating Rink (滑冰场).这些都属于室内活动,还蛮多样化的。
• Enrichment Park (教室外教育乐园) – 包括艺术活动, 烹饪班,科学化验室,讲座和电脑讲座等等。
• Golf & Hotel Resort (高尔夫球度假村酒店)– 这是我在前篇分享的一级棒休闲活动,可以点击这里阅读。
而博客们接下来受邀请前往座落在同一处的Adventure Park (冒险乐园),Water Park (水上乐园)和Sports & Leisure Park (运动休闲乐园)。

这就是Adventure Park冒险乐园的现场啦~这样看去就有超过5样以上的障碍物!

再来是Water Park水上乐园,我真的好想下水!!可惜我忘了带衣服来替换呐~~在特定时间会有波浪来袭的波浪泳池~

这才是属于巨型的水滑梯 @@

还有绕圈圈的水道~而这些橡皮圈是免费任取的耶~我还记得以前我在某间水上乐园玩,是需要付RM5-10领一个橡皮圈的 >.<


没想到发展商Austin Heights 和丽园以Fun Village为主题,旗下有5个主要的观光地:
• Adventure Park (冒险乐园) – 是青少年最爱的攀木,架空索道(flying fox)等等,拥有51种障碍,甚至需要像泰山那样跳跃来抓住绳子。它就座落在水上乐园的隔壁。
• Water Park (水上乐园) – 我蛮欣赏的简单但却好玩的水上乐园!包括了人造沙滩,海浪泳池,刺激的滑板溜梯等等。
• Sports & Leisure Park (运动休闲乐园)–包括Drift Kart(飘逸车子), Jump Street Indoor Trampoline Centre (跳跳场)and Ice Skating Rink (滑冰场).这些都属于室内活动,还蛮多样化的。
• Enrichment Park (教室外教育乐园) – 包括艺术活动, 烹饪班,科学化验室,讲座和电脑讲座等等。
• Golf & Hotel Resort (高尔夫球度假村酒店)– 这是我在前篇分享的一级棒休闲活动,可以点击这里阅读。
而博客们接下来受邀请前往座落在同一处的Adventure Park (冒险乐园),Water Park (水上乐园)和Sports & Leisure Park (运动休闲乐园)。

这就是Adventure Park冒险乐园的现场啦~这样看去就有超过5样以上的障碍物!

再来是Water Park水上乐园,我真的好想下水!!可惜我忘了带衣服来替换呐~~在特定时间会有波浪来袭的波浪泳池~

这才是属于巨型的水滑梯 @@

还有绕圈圈的水道~而这些橡皮圈是免费任取的耶~我还记得以前我在某间水上乐园玩,是需要付RM5-10领一个橡皮圈的 >.<
还有妈妈带沙滩玩具和小朋友一起玩呢~ :D

这飘逸车 Drift Kart ,只有油门和方向盘,只要放开油门,自然就会停下来了。所以在很快速度前进时,方向盘要稳,一转就能享受飘逸的感觉了,哈哈哈。
再来是溜冰场Ice Skating。

最后是跳跳场Jump Street。基本上你就是在这里跳跳跳来发泄体力~。
有兴趣的朋友可以到Austin Heights Water & Adventure Park 网页查询最新价格以及任何促销~
地址: No. 71, Jalan Austin Heights 8/1, Taman Mount Austin, 81100 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia.
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旅游 | Austin Heights Water & Adventure Park 和丽园水上乐园+冒险乐园~ 柔佛之旅完结篇
Reviewed by Angelpoiwoon

I have actually not heard of this place before! It is so big and looks so fun.
回复删除The water park looks interesting. I'm sure my children would love to go there too.
回复删除Long time haven't been to Johor. looks like a good place for the whole family
回复删除The place is so big and i wish to go there. I'm sure you have a lot fun during the activities!
回复删除我还真不知道柔佛有这样的PARK, 好好玩啊!设备也超多的叻!!还能体验人造沙呢。
回复删除wow... look like so much fun for the whole family.. will consider checking it out for my next trip there...
回复删除wow... look like so much fun for the whole family.. will consider checking it out for my next trip there...
回复删除nice that they have so many things! have things to do in the city! woohoo!
回复删除Looks fun! My boyfie told me about this place before because he's from Johor.
回复删除Wow looks like a really fun place! Gonna bring my family there one day ;)
回复删除Didn't know about this place at Johor until I read your post, thanks for the info sharing :)
回复删除So nice leh... I wanna go there also.. Wait for our nx johor trip!
回复删除this hotel looks so amazing with so many activities from outdoor to indoor, a great holiday escapade
回复删除Wow the place so clean and have many fun activities can do . I like the Go-kart part.
回复删除Wow! Would consider this my next holiday destination. Thanks for sharing!
回复删除I too recently went to a trampoline and it was super fun.
OMG NEW THEMEPARK?! Guess where am i going as my next holiday destination :D
回复删除This looks so refreshing! Especially that slide is wow..
回复删除I've heard so much of Austin Heights but didn't know there is this huge theme park. Hope to check it out one day when I have the time!
回复删除Wow, the place is awesome. Ot actually look huge!
回复删除Looks like so much fun indeed! Too bad I can't join such activities until next year
回复删除This looks like a great place to take the kids. Especially the water park.
回复删除another place to let me visit!!!Wow!!!!Should plan a trip to Johor!!
回复删除until u guys go there. i didnt even know there such place in johor. i stayed for 3 years there. ahha. love the water parkkk.
回复删除Did you go there like super early? There's very less people...oh n there's a jumpstreet there too??!! wehoooo!!!
回复删除we reached there around 12.30pm.,not much ppl actually. but after lunch hour, more ppl joining,hahaha
删除woah new attractions added in johor? guess my friends are going to get craze! would love to try the jumpstreet tho :p
回复删除请问 water park & adventure park